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How to Sign in and reset your password

Please sign in using your email address and password If you can't remember your password, please use the Forgotten your password (A reset code will be sent to your email address) If you do not have an account:Create an account You can find more information in our Help section

  • Type in your email address, and select "Reset Password". Do not close this window
  • Open your emails and look for an email from Suffolk InfoLink (Remember to check all your inboxes including any Junk folders)
  • Copy the code from the email into the "Enter reset code" on the open Reset password InfoLink webpage
  • For your security, this code will expire after 15 minutes 
  • You will then be able to choose a new password and sign in. (Passwords must be eight characters or more and include at least one number)

Forgotten password

(NB The reset password will only work if you have already created an account and set up a password. If not, please go to Register to create an account and set up a password)

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